
Fibroids removal

Laparoscopic Myomectomy

What is Myomectomy?

Laparoscopic fibroids removal is a surgical procedure to remove fibroids in the Uterus, while preserving the Uterus. Fibroids affect daily life chores causing pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, increase in the frequency of urination or cause inconsistencies in urination.

Fibroids usually occur during child bearing years, but due to lifestyle and hormone imbalances they can affect women of any age nowadays.

What is the advantage of undergoing

Laparoscopic fibroids removal surgery?

The advantages of Myomectomy are as follows:

  • After Myomectomy women experience significant relief in terms of pelvic pain, control on or stopping excessive menstrual bleeding and pressure.
  • Improvement in fertility and hormone balance.
  • The minimally invasive approach is of a great advantage than an open surgery because the blood loss is comparatively less.

How is the procedure

carried out?

There are three ways in which Myomectomy is performed they are:

  • Laparoscopic Myomectomy
  • Robotic Myomectomy
  • Hysteroscopic myomectomy

How is Laparoscopic
fibroids removal surgery performed?

Laparoscopic Myomectomy is similar to other Laparoscopic procedures, where incisions are made and the affected part is operated upon with the help of visuals obtained from Laparoscope. The fibroids are cut into pieces and then removed through the incisions and sometimes they can also be removed from the vagina (colpotomy)

Procedure: A general anesthesia will be administered to the patient and as a result the patient will be asleep during the surgery.

Once the patient is asleep the process begins by making incisions near the belly button and a small device is inserted which is called a port; it creates an opening that will be filled with gas (carbon dioxide) in the abdomen region.

Then a small camera is inserted through a port in order to see the organs properly, once proper visibility is achieved more ports are inserted through which instruments go through, Uterus is examined and fibroids are located which are then slowly separated using instruments. Some amount of bleeding may occur at this point and measures will be taken by the doctors to prevent blood loss by keeping a constant supply of blood; the fibroids are then cut into pieces and removed.

 The openings are closed through surgical glue or dissolvable stitches. The process might take 2 to 3 hours.

How long does it take

to recover?

The stay at the hospital will last for 4 to 5 days, since the procedure involves operating upon a sensitive body part.

The incisions made during the surgery will heal over a month or so.

The patient will be prescribed with multivitamin and iron tablets so that she doesn’t turn anemic.

There will be weekly checkups to monitor the condition of the patient and they might be required to undergo various tests.

The surgery involves small incisions which take very less time to heal and as a result the patient can return back to normal life within no time, when compared to an open surgery.

The surgery also leaves minimal scars.

One might feel nauseated post-surgery, this might be due to anesthesia administered for the purpose of the surgery.

The patient might feel scratchy or experience a sore throat due to the tube used for anesthesia. But this will go away within 48 hours.

Post-surgery one might feel shoulder pain because of the gas that was pumped in during the surgery, which will go away within 48 hours.

It is a procedure that will make the patient experience fatigue, so the doctor will advise the patient to follow a balanced diet which has a lot of green leafy vegetables and iron rich food.

There might be some amount of vaginal spotting or straining that may occur so the patient will be advised to stay in constant touch with the doctor.

How should one prepare for

the procedure?

If you have a prior medical condition and you are taking medicines prescribed by a doctor please make sure you inform the surgeon beforehand.

It is required that the patient goes on a liquid diet 24 hours before the surgery so that his bowel remains clear, which makes it easy to operate. This process is called ‘Bowel preparation’

 If you have a habit of smoking you will be advised to stop smoking a few weeks prior to the date of the operation as smoking may result in other complications or may cause infections resulting in failure of the procedure. Quitting smoking enhances the chances of success.

When to call a doctor if complications occur


If one feels nauseated, develops fever, bleeding occurs through the incisions, inability to urinate etc; under these circumstances it is better to get in touch with the doctor who performed the operation.

Why should you choose to get treated under

Dr. Kiran K J?

Doctor Kiran K J has 17 years of experience under his belt, in sensitive operations like these, experience at the operation table matters a lot because experience helps out in having a dynamic approach during a crunch situation at the operation table.

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    Dr Kiran KJ is an expert surgeon and hands on medical professional, Dr. Kiran K J is an expert in laparoscopic, Bariatric and laser surgeries.

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